Reduce the burden of implantation throughout Ilsan implant

Reduce the burden of implantation throughout Ilsan implant

White Dream Dental Clinic Goyang City, Gyeonggi Province, Ilsan Jeongbalsan-ro, Ilsan-dong-gu 24 Western Dome Building B No. 302

White Dream Dental Clinic Goyang City, Gyeonggi Province, Ilsan Jeongbalsan-ro, Ilsan-dong-gu 24 Western Dome Building B No. 302

Hello. As aging progressed, overall organ function deteriorated, skin wrinkled, and teeth wobbled and fell off. We should have paid more attention to dental health, but we had to eat food every day and digest it smoothly.

If the copyright exercise was not carried out properly, there was a high probability of developing dementia such as brain health, and malocclusion in which the upper and lower teeth did not mesh could occur. There were times when my teeth were out of alignment and I chewed where I had teeth, and the jaw joint was also strained. It was necessary to remember that if it got worse, it could lead to facial asymmetry.

I had to live through permanent teeth for the rest of my life after the baby teeth fell out, so I needed to take good care of my teeth. It was helpful to brush your teeth three times a day in the right room and use interdental brushes and dental floss because there may be food that hasn’t disappeared. It was important to receive regular scaling to preserve natural teeth so that tartar and plaque did not occur.

However, if a big incident suddenly occurred and periodontal diseases such as tooth loss or periodontitis were suffered, or left unattended over time due to diabetes or cavities, the alveolar bone was absorbed. Therefore, in order to repair the missing part, I thought it would be better to plant Ilsan implants quickly.Many people thought that there would be no big inconvenience in chewing food by not taking care of it immediately unless it was a prominent front tooth. However, there were various problems that appeared when I started living with a tooth missing. First, the digestive function became weak. The basic role of teeth was to break down the food that came into the mouth into small pieces and make it easier to digest.It was important to remember that adults basically have 28 teeth after losing their baby teeth, but if even one tooth is not enough, their writing ability is likely to deteriorate. In addition, whenever the jaw joint was moved, more load was applied to the adjacent value, resulting in symptoms such as reduced durability of other parts or weakened gums.If there is an empty space, the balance of teeth alignment was lost as a whole because the residue moved. As a result, it can be greatly influenced in aesthetic aspects, so I recommended that you check and consider information about implants as soon as possible.However, I sometimes thought of dentures and bridges as alternatives to empty spaces. First of all, dentures were cheaper than all implants, but I felt pain because the strength was transferred to my gums through washing and workouts. It was inconvenient because it would become loose and fall out after a while.Bridge was also not the case for toothless people, as both normal teeth had to be shaved. The aesthetic part was also a problem, but sometimes the teeth got mottled in the process of treating teeth with metal. In this regard, many people were looking for implants.Ilsan implant is a process in which threaded artificial tooth roots made of titanium are inserted directly into the alveolar bone instead of lost teeth and prostheses are formed at the top to act like natural teeth.If I lost my entire tooth, I could consider the whole implant. The entire implant was performed in the process of implanting multiple implants on the upper and lower jaws in a way that can be applied to patients who have lost an entire tooth or a large number of teeth. Instead of planting the same number of implants as the actual teeth, it was a plan to plant about 6-10 implants in the lower jaw and 8-12 implants in the upper jaw as needed, and connect the rest with a bridge to restore both dental function and aesthetics.This was a difficult process in that the range was wider than that of general implants and multiple implants had to be implanted at the same time. Therefore, the important thing is that you should prepare carefully in advance and take a close look at the medical staff’s ability to carry out the difficult process.Most of the patients who needed the entire implant were elderly and often suffered from chronic diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure, so they also had to check if they were in an appropriate health condition to proceed with the implantation. They may feel uncomfortable even if the amount of bleeding increases a little or the treatment time increases a little, so the process of identifying the planting route in advance and conducting simulated planting was helpful.This has the advantage of being able to predict which location and how to plant in the computer process by identifying the planting location using digital equipment. Our hospital, which has the equipment necessary for simulated planting, was able to receive treatment with more peace of mind and increased satisfaction.The loss of many teeth could cause considerable inconvenience to meals and daily life. Talking became awkward, I had trouble chewing food, and sometimes it was difficult to enjoy my favorite food. Therefore, consider a suitable whole Ilsan implant to replace natural teeth.Previous Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next Image

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