쿼리도 모르던 문과생이 국비지원으로 5주만에 SQL로 데이터 분석 성공했어요

KIM DONG KYU is conducting SQL training through lecturesAn easy and fun SQL course for Novase’s studentsI really liked the rich educational materials of Fast Campus. The well-organized PPT and a summary of the core contents called the cheat sheet helped me greatly to finish the training. I was able to intuitively understand what the student was learning now and what he would learn in the future. K-Digital Basic Competency Training SQL Data Analysis First, Kim Dong-gyuArticle Preview 1. Why do I need SQL for my management job? 2. How to study SQL most efficiently 3. Easy and fun data analysis courses that even liberal arts students can understand 4. Prejudice about state funding? I think…5. A course that is perfect with three elements: good lectures, materials, and training coachesQ. You completed the final project safely after five weeks of stubbornness. Are you close to the goal you set before taking the course? Yes, my goal was to ‘fully understand the course and succeed in the final project.’ I achieved 100%. I have become a good player with a certain level of confidence in dealing with the basics of SQL. And I think it is enough to develop intermediate-level skills on my own if I take the time. Q: Fast Campus has a variety of rewards. How did the review rights issued upon completion of 80% or more help you? No matter how hard you studied, you can forget what you studied over time. It would be good to take it out at that time. Also, if you are too busy to learn enough, if you listen to the lecture again, you will feel like you are getting a free AS. It would be good to look for some vague details when you use SQL for practical purposes in the future. Prejudice against state funding? My opinion is…Q. Before the lecture started, you said you had a lot of anxiety about whether you could do well. Did the lecture relieve you? Yes, it did. It was literally a basic lecture for beginners, and it is provided in an amount that you can listen to without any burden. If there are prospective students like me who feel anxious, you don’t have to worry too much because they explain the basic concept of SQL and why data analysis is needed first. Q. There is a prejudice that state-funded education is poor in content and will not be helpful for employment. What do you think? Is there such a prejudice? Perhaps the prejudice was formed because there have been such cases in the past. As for me, who has heard of the Fast Campus State Support Education, I have never encountered such prejudice. There was no neglect in terms of management, and the curriculum, lecture materials, instructors, and training coaches were perfect. It helped me with my self-introduction letter and practical skills. Currently, Dong-gyu succeeded in getting a job as a manager. Was the Fast Campus SQL lecture helpful for employment? As soon as I finished the SQL lecture, I added a line confidently saying, ‘I can deal with MYSQL’ in the employment self-introduction letter. I’m not sure if this part helped me directly, but I think it will have a lot of influence on developing my practical skills in the future.As management is a job that requires persuasion of others, I expect that the ability to access and process data will be of great help. Q. Do you have any plans to use Fast Campus in the future? Yes, I would like to learn data tools such as Python in addition to SQL. Focusing on the big topic of data, we will learn various automation functions that can efficiently handle tasks. As mentioned earlier, the level of lectures was high, and the advantage was that even beginners could listen to it without any time or physical barriers. If you don’t understand it, you can learn it comfortably when you want, and if you don’t, you can listen to it one more time, or you can pause it to suit your taste. I can solve any problems by asking questions to the training coach. In this era of IT, I think the advantages of online lectures are as good as offline lectures.K-Digital Basic Competency Training, a state-funded education at Fast Campus, is a lecture that builds up the foundation with the aim of growing the student’s career. It consists of a practice-oriented curriculum rather than theory, and you can invite incumbent people as instructors to hear tips used in practice. Zero-base beginners will get basic skills, and majors and incumbent people will get a chance to recheck their skills. Don’t you want to miss the opportunity to learn SQL easily and interestingly? Are you worried about the cost? If so, try using the Learning Card tomorrow. This is your chance to take the SQL Data Analysis Lecture for free, which has improved the skills of Novase’s Kim Dong-gyu. Join now! Learn about SQL Introduction Tomorrow Learning Card for 0 won! If you are curious about the SQL State Support Course? More State-funded Online Short Course TourQ. As far as I know, the entry barrier to data analysis covered by SQL is high. How did you overcome the difficulties you did not understand well or understand during the lecture? Since the content of the lecture was basically geared to beginners, there was no great difficulty. Of course, I had time to think about the parts that I couldn’t understand at once. But if the solution was not solved, I asked the practice coach through the Slack tool. Q. I heard that Dong-gyu left more than 40 questions in Slack. What questions did you leave mostly? I mainly asked how to solve practical missions that did not provide correct answers in the lecture. 90% of the practical problems were solved by following the lecture well, but 10% were difficult to solve by myself. In addition, when things didn’t go as I wanted while making a query, I often asked them to check where the problem was. SQL itself is an area that cannot be broken by itself. As you have a practice coach, there was no reason not to actively use Slack. Of course, the reason why the practice mission at Fast Campus was not difficult was great. If it were difficult, I think I would have discouraged you from asking questions and answers. It was a difficulty that anyone could produce results if they took reasonable learning time to challenge.Final Project Q. Dong-gyu, who directly helped me in practice, worked on the Final Project. What was the topic and how was it helpful? The Final Project felt like the final version of a SQL lecture. After analyzing the unrefined shopping mall data by dividing it into sales, customers, and delivery, it was a mission to find various kpi factors and derive insights. Personally, I think the Final Project was directly helpful for the management job. In practice, management insights are derived through kpi, right? It helped me a lot in developing my practical skills.What competencies are receiving the most attention in the job market these days? It is data analysis. Data analysis is used in various businesses. Many companies are already drawing various insights through programming, including market research, product research, positioning, customer review, and emotion analysis. It is also an essential competency, especially in the business, marketing, and IT job markets. The same was true of Kim Dong-gyu, who graduated from the business administration department and was preparing for employment in a related field. He decided that data analysis would help him improve his work, and he decided to take an online SQL lecture right away. Of course, he didn’t have any basic knowledge of the data field. He needed an easy and interesting lecture to improve the introductory person’s ability. So he chose the SQL Data Analysis lecture with all his heart and soul, and he became able to effectively handle MYSQL tools. How did a liberal arts student develop his SQL data analysis skills? What is the SQL lecture that the introductory person can read well enough? I met Dong-gyu and listened to the detailed story.Good lectures, materials, and training coaches What are some good tips to give to students who will take a fast campus SQL data analysis course? Good lectures, materials provided by instructors, and even a training coach are perfect in three beats. The key to successful learning is not to simply focus on listening to the lecture, but to actively approach all three elements. Whether you are a major or a non-major, you will be able to achieve the goal you want. Q. What if you leave a thank you to those who helped you complete the course, such as a training coach, manager, reviewer, etc.? Thank you so much. I have achieved achievements and understandings that I would never have reached without a training coach. In fact, I frequently posted inquiries as if I was renting a private jet with slacks on my own. (laughs) I really appreciate your help with my learning and lead me with appropriate answers. Q. ‘To me, Fast Campus __________________. Please feel free to fill in the blanks and tell me why.’ To me, Fast Campus is an assistant in self-development.’ Fast Campus is a platform where a lot of courses are prepared well. At first, I started it because I wanted to get help with employment, but I think it will be a great help for self-development. As the title says, I think it’s the best choice for people who want to start the first step in SQL. In the future, I plan to continue learning data through Fast Campus. I plan to continue taking lectures that I need to learn due to my management duties. In order to become a person who constantly develops and grows, I want to continue to get help from Fast Campus in the future.KIM DONG KYU’s SQL Final Project

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